Solitaire by Alice Oseman Review

I picked this book up a few years ago when I was out with friends because I read the blurb and thought “hey that sounds like me”. Nothing draws you into a book more than it being relatable to you.

This book definitely brought back memories of school. And with the writing style and the short chapters, it made for an easy read.

It was something very different to other books I normally go for, but I enjoyed it all the same. I think the characters were interesting and I was constantly wanting to know more about Michael Holden, the mysterious new guy at school.

I rolled my eyes when I saw the cover of the book though and it was all “this is not a love story“. But it’s not, I think they made that very clear when one of the characters starts this blog and all these pranks just because he thinks he’s in love with someone. It’s just a bit much, and Tori definitely does not swoon and fall into his arms and think he’s the love of her life.

So it’s not a love story.

But that doesn’t mean that love did not come out of this story. As in, Tori and Michael. I kind of called it as soon as I started reading the book because I still believed somewhere in there, there was a love story. So of course, two people who seem like outcasts find their way to each other. I didn’t want it if I’m honest. I just wanted them to be friends.

Aside from that, I did like it. It’s relatable and it’s got some mystery to it. This whole idea of a mysterious blog pulling pranks on the school… It makes me think of other dramas that I like with anonymous characters. Though I gotta say the reveal wasn’t too shocking, I also think it was kind of insane. Especially to think that doing something like that would make someone fall in love with you…but sure that happens in books like this. The person that does the damage always has some motive that sounds crazy.

I also think I was more interested in Tori’s brother and his issues than most others. I think the way it was described was well done and I just wanted to know more.

Then to end it all there was the lesson of the book. The idea that instead of waiting for change to happen you need to get out there and do something about yourself. This comes through Tori’s own realisation of the lesson as she tries to stop Solitaire’s actions. It was fine, I mean I guess it is something you learn when you are around that age, at school and everything is shit and you blame everything in the universe except yourself. Obviously, you can’t control everything in your life that is horrible but there are some things you can change and take action on.

And so, overall I think it was a good read. Something very different to what I’m used to but I liked the writing style. I felt like it was relatable, and will be relatable to a lot of young people who are in secondary school, though that might have something to do with the author being 18/19 when she wrote it. Still, that doesn’t take away from the fact it’s a good story with developed characters.

I give this book 4/5 stars. If you want to know what I’m reading next be sure to follow me on Goodreads! I gave myself the challenge of reading 12 books in 2018 and I’ve just finished book 10/12! Now there’s no time to waste, onto book 11/12.

~ Courtney x

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