Day6 In London!

After finding out I missed Day6 last year I made sure it wasn’t going to happen again.

I have listened to Day6 since I found out they were coming to KCon NY 2016. Let’s set the backstory.

So I was going to KCon with my friend Jasmine but I was kind of new to KPop at the time. I knew of Girls’ Generation and a couple of other people but I wasn’t super into it which meant I had no idea who anyone coming to KCon was. I felt like such a fraud so I had to do some research and listen to some music.

With Day6, it was amazing, literally there was not a single Day6 song that I didn’t like. I don’t know what it is about them but their music is always a bop. So I knew I would enjoy them.

That was the first time I ever saw them live and I thought it was great. All of KCon was amazing.

Now with lots of KPop idols coming over to the UK on world tours, I thought I would keep a lookout for when someone I liked was coming over.

I’m pretty sure I only found out about Day6 in London last year in February? I am still not the biggest KPop stan so I don’t keep up all the time with news and everything but I was so sad that I missed them. Like I said, I’ve never not liked a song from them so I know a concert of theirs was gonna be insane.

I don’t really know how to describe the experience, it was the first time I was going to a standing concert and I wanted to be near the front because, if this was the only time I was going to stand at a concert, I wanted to be close. So we spent most of the day queuing haha.

I thought queuing was going to suck, just me and my brother standing in the cold for hours. Which it partly was. But then, everyone around us in line was pretty friendly so we made some friends which made the time pass quicker because you had new people to talk to and fangirl over Day6 with.

I’ve never been a part of anything like it before – sure I was at KCon but because we were seated, we didn’t line up until it was time for doors to open. But being surrounded by all these people that love the same thing that you do, and understand you – it’s so communal. Like everyone is nice and supportive and people are handing out cute freebies and everything it’s great.

That’s not to say there isn’t a bad side to KPop fans like there are any fandoms but on concert days it’s super positive and fun.

When we finally got into the venue the energy was incredible. I just remember feeling kind of in shock, like Day6 were right in front of me? Singing the songs that I had been listening to for years? It was crazy.

I’ve been to other concerts before but this one was different. I just felt differently about it.

I had the best time and will definitely be going to their next tour if/when they come back. I just really felt in the moment with them, jumping around and having a blast. It was great.

Then after the show was the hi touch and I was super nervous about it. I mean it’s always nerve-wracking meeting your faves in real life.

It kind of passed in a blur the things I remember the most were Young K looking directly into my soul, I swear he caught me off guard so much. I also remember feeling Sungjin’s presence as a leader, I don’t know if that makes sense but it just sort of radiated off him up close. And then Jae saying “thank you for coming out tonight” – I know he was saying similar things to everyone but something about it to me stuck. I wish I could remember more of my time with Wonpil and Dowoon but it kind of passed me by quickly. I hope if I get the chance to do another hi touch with them I get to spend more time remembering the other members.

Then just like that it was over…and I’ve been thrown back into my fangirl days but only this time it’s about Day6. I’m pretty sure the last time I fully fangirled over something like this it was Twilight haha I thought I had kind of moved on from the fangirl part of my life but I guess not.

I’m now constantly on Twitter and reading people’s tweets about the band and always wanting news on what they are up to next. I definitely think I’m in love with them, and I’m not mad about it.

And so yeah that’s where I’ll leave this little post. It’s been 2 weeks since the concert and I’m still not fully over it. If you want to know more about my trip to London and the concert you can check out my vlog below. (It was originally going to be like 3 videos but I just ended up editing it into a huge 40 minute one haha.)

~ Courtney x