Because I’m Worth It by Cecily von Ziegesar Review

Another Gossip Girl novel down.

Honestly, this series is taking interesting turns. Definitely nothing like the TV show which I guess is a good thing because if it was exactly like the TV show why would I want to read it? (Although let’s be real I probably still would have because I love Gossip Girl).

So first off, Blair Waldorf. She’s been through a lot, I mean first she screws up her Yale interview, Nate and her breakup and now she has decided to chop off her hair.

I can’t imagine Blair without her hair but I’m sure she rocked it. I did think maybe it was going to end up a disaster and she was going to have to go into hiding but it was fine. She ended up using her hairstyle to look more like her idol Audrey.

To go along with her new ‘do, B also got another chance at Yale. Her dad pulled some strings and she got to meet with one of his friends to have another entrance interview.

Luckily, things went well for her there, although almost too well as she kind of had an affair with her interviewer. Scandalous I know, plus so unlike Blair. Though I suppose nothing really happened with him, she just kissed him and she even left the hotel room when he was asleep. No funny business.

So this kind of leaves her Yale admission still kind of up in the air…I mean who knows what this new Yale guy will tell the admission board after she blew him off. Although to be fair the guy was married and had a child who was almost Blair’s age so like does he really have a leg to stand on? I guess we wait and see.

Side note: it was kind of funny how in Blair’s little spiral she thought the way to repair her image and life was to check herself into rehab – it didn’t last long and I didn’t expect it to but it was still interesting.

Next there is Serena who honestly is too perfect that nothing bad ever actually happens to her. I mean she starts of fully in love with Aaron in an annoying way.

Then somehow she manages to get a job modelling in a fashion show because she’s Serena – so she decides to rock the runway in a t shirt that says “I LOVE AARON” and obviously Aaron isn’t too thrilled so they break up.

And that concludes the Serena portion of this blog post. She didn’t have much going on to be fair. Sure she is heartbroken because of Aaron but I imagine it won’t take long for her to get over it. I hope something more interesting happens with her because so far it’s just S gliding through life getting everything she wants.

This happens on the TV show too but like she does suffer on the TV show I mean for almost two seasons she thought she killed a guy… No such thing seems to be happening for her in the books though lol. She’s still gliding right through life all chill and perfect.

Meanwhile Nate is getting busted for buying pot in the park lol. So he has to go to rehab which is shocking because he is so clean cut in the TV show. I think they mention him smoking weed once in the entire of the series in the pilot and then it’s hardly mentioned ever again.

But in the book he goes to rehab where he meets Georgina Spark. And I just wanna say it bothers me that she’s not Sparks like in the TV show with an ‘s’ at the end. It sounds better.

Anyway yeah, I love Georgina in the TV show she is actually such a great character so I wonder what she is like in the books.

So far she comes across in kind of a similar way, drug addicted and clingy. Her and Nate start dating and I am shocked because I never pictured that being a thing. Excited to see where it goes though. Especially since Nate has stopped smoking weed for her which I am all for because his stoner story line was getting boring.

As for Little J, well, she has gotten into some fun things too. She has made a new friend and I think her friend wants them to be a little bit more than friends haha.

I was not expecting this from Jenny, but I think out of all the characters she is the one that is the most different from the TV show. So I’m just taking it as it goes with her.

It seems like at the end of the book she found a new boyfriend though so I wonder what this will do to her friendship with Elise. I mean Elise was definitely the one who wanted to experiment more than Jenny and you can tell she enjoyed it while Jenny did not. So I guess we see what happens with them, and also find out more about this mysterious guy who Jenny is dating.

After that we have Dan and Vanessa who both are “making it” in their respective careers. So yay? Except not completely…

So Dan forgave Vanessa for publishing his poem after he realised how awesome it is to be a published writer so they got back together and Dan finally lost his virginity after making such a big deal about it for artistic reasons lol.

But then he got an agent and he met another girl and he slept with her. Gosh darn it Dan. I really dislike Dan in the books so am I really surprised this is the kind of thing his scummy character would do? Not really. I mean he did feel bad when he kissed Mystery (because of course that’s the other girl’s name) but that definitely didn’t stop him from cheating. He did want to tell Vanessa and he thought he had in his obscure poem but she didn’t get that message from it.

Basically their relationship is a hot mess and I guess over? Because Vanessa went to Dan’s poetry reading and basically saw Dan and Mystery getting on on stage. But she filmed it anyway because ya know, art haha.

And finally the last thing I’ll talk about is Gossip Girl herself, she was planning a birthday party and everyone was invited. Chuck even handed out flyers for the party which is interesting because I mentioned in one of my other Gossip Girl posts that it was weird none of the characters actually talked about her. But this time they were.

Which means S, B and everyone else must know she is posting about them? Unless they’re too posh to even think about reading Gossip Girl lol. I kind of liked how they used it in the TV show though and sent in their own tips. It was super scandalous.

Anyway, four novels down I think there’s maybe 13 in the series? So I still have a while to go, the timeline of the books seems to be pretty slow moving, each book only spanning a couple of months so I can’t imagine where this actually ends. I do kind of hope we get a clue as to who Gossip Girl is. I mean, it’s definitely not Dan Humphrey this time and I am so glad haha.

Now time to get back to reading and see if the next novel is where Blair finally finds out if she gets into Yale.

~ Courtney x

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